Beauty from Ashes
The Authoress

I'm Taylor Abigail. When I was a baby, often the only thing that could stop me from crying was to take me outside on the porch swing so I could listen and observe the outdoors. My grandma has countless memories of me as a toddler jumping out of the stroller and running as fast as I could down the sidewalk...or airport terminal. And I have to admit, my desire to observe and listen and then burst out into the world with enthusiasm and energy hasn't left.
The word "exuberant" basically captures my personality and the word "companion" captures my passions and desires. I've been told that I "haven't lost the wonder of life" and I don't plan on losing it anytime soon!
Performing in theatre productions, participating in athletics, nurturing my Christian faith, being with and spoiling friends, and listening to music take up a lot of my time. But I'll never say no to a new activity as long as my friends are there so that later they can remind me of how silly I looked or how we all experienced something together. Whether it be a night at the opera, white-water rafting, or seeing who can take the hottest hot sauce, I'm game.
While I am brave, outgoing, and spontaneous I'm not particularly ambitious. My favorite thing to do is to sit, tea in hand, listening to someone tell me about how God is growing them, how they are struggling, what their dreams are, and what they are learning about themselves or the world. In the future I think I would like to be a counselor. Remember my passion of being a companion? If the Lord would grant me a family, a beachside house, and some friends who wanted to explore God, themselves, and the world...Oh boy I'd NEVER wake up cranky.
My greatest struggle in life is applying this Scripture: Proverbs 3:4-5 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight." I am distraught when I don't understand. (That's why math and I are not buddies. It can destroy my sense of worth with one word problem.) I'm much more of a "get 'er done" person so when all I can do is wait and trust and there's no light helping me see my next step...I'm a toddler throwing a temper tantrum on the grocery store floor all over again.
If you haven't guessed by now, I love Jesus. He is more than my top priority, He is God of my existence, desires, and goals. By His grace, a day doesn't go by when I don't try to find His sanctifying and miraculous work in my life and listen to where He is leading me to glorify Him most. As a young college student, I realize that I have yet leaps and bounds to grow--in maturity, spirituality, and wisdom--but, I desire to share the steps I have already taken, and to walk alongside those who are growing rapidly, slowly, or not at all in their faith.
I hope I can be a stepping stone of comfort, joy, advice, or inspiration to readers!
What You'll Read

I have three thoughts about blogs:
1. they are white noise
2. they are rants
3. they are mere defenses of the author
But I believe that God can use white noise, rants, and defenses to strengthen His followers.
That being said, I will do my best to make my writing none of those three categories: forgiveness will be readily accepted.
These writings are primarily for believers in the Christian faith. Specifically, confused believers; those who spend most of their walk with Christ wondering how their faith could ever be woven into their life like people say it should. I can't promise answers or large flashing revelations from God for you, but I can promise that I am in the same boat of doubts and difficulties.
You might find that my writings are more open ended in nature. As I considered putting a "challenge" section at the end of each post, I decided against it. Instead of forcefully shoving a tired lesson onto someone, I thought it would be inspiring to watch how God touched and taught each reader with something unique to their life.
I have a strong desire for Christians to truly understand what their faith is and how to truly be set free as I myself have seen glimmers of God's character and power in my life: hopefully my writings will testify to those truths.