Shutting Up Shame: Because I've had Three Boyfriends

Poetry is a budding love of mine and I thought the best medium for this area of shame for me. Ya I know, three isn't that much (compared to...what?), but it's a falling short of what I thought my life would I feel shame.
This poem is to myself, my God, and my future. Working through this shame requires that I look my embarrassing fears in the face and dissolve their power over me by declaring the truth of my world thus far: I love, I lose, I fight to love again because love is a gift I hope I don't miss out on.
Tip: if you're not accustomed to reading poetry, just pay attention to the line breaks in this one. You'll get the most out of it.
I hope it resonates and makes you feel a little more welcome in the world.
Can you see me?
The virgin whore walks behind the the virgin dreamers
and fears she has shallow skin
from her many lovers long caresses.
She is pure but assuming
eyes make her unlovely.
Answer if her heart feels
less soft because she has known
love for many days
after you have known it.
Do you see through my gown
more quickly because other eyes have
worn and weathered it with passion?
Too many memories for one pair of legs
stands hopeful and bare
barely allowed to make a memory
to be held in hands conjoined.
Do you see me as hard
to get for fear that I'm
uneasily impressed?
Her fear is not her past
lovers give her hope.
Her fear is your choice to never
allow second chances to one who fights
for herself
to be soft gentle pure kind joyful lovely brave.
Do you see me and how much I fight for you?
Or am I now the residue
of dismissed and tangled dreams.
This I feel but this I do
you see me and how much I fight for you?