Love as Grit and Other Things Because I Have a Lot of Time to Think During a 50 Mile Work Week...

Sunday: 3
Monday: 10
Tuesday: strength
Wednesday: 10
Thursday: rest
Friday: 10
Saturday: strength
Sunday: 16
49 miles to be exact.
The most mileage I've ever done in a week and it feels like screws are going at my knees and hips.
What I've got ahead of me for the next month is supposed to be 10 miles per day with hills and strength.
Welcome to the month out.
It's not exactly natural to voluntarily put your body through pain. But there's not really a plan B if I want to finish.
I signed up for this 26.2 and that's what'll happen on June 18th.
Actually what will happen is 27. I was reminded the other day that this course is actually an ultra.
I'll do an ultra before a regular marathon. Alright.
The plan B that does exist is quitting entirely or making my training less painful by slacking which means a miserable race day and even bringing into question my ability to finish.
Plan B will happen if I look at all that's against me and let it get into my head.
Is anyone training with me in this?
Is anyone praying for me in this?
Is anyone going to be at the finish line for me?
Will I really be alone in the woods for 6 hours by myself trying not to slip and break something?
Not that I know of.
So Taylor's not thinking about plan B. It's a lame plan and keeps me from plan A.
Because I've got a lot of time to think during a 50 mile work week, I get to listen to God's heartbeat and His impressions on my heart with every stride.
When God gives us a task, a dream, a plan, a hope...we don't need a plan B.
God told us to do it. Why are we striving for back up plans?
Do we not know the power and faithfulness of our Lord?
Our job is to follow through and shut the devil up as he throws alternative plans in our face to discourage us.
Ya, I know, it's not safe to go it on one plan.
But safety keeps us from thriving, safety keeps us from the thrilling and the unconventional, and I'm not about that life.
If you don't want to let go of safety yet, the safest place is still on the water with eyes on Jesus. Look away and you sink. Even if you look back at the floating boat you came from...which wasn't even that safe to begin with.
What's the treacherous path He's beckoned you to begin? Don't pretend like you don't know.
Answer that question and you'll meet a whole new Jesus.
Aren't you curious about Him?
A year ago exactly I prayed that Jesus would show me and teach me what love is (try and think of a braver prayer).
He took me up on that and it's been one of the most painful years of my life. Why?
Because love is sacrifice, love is self forgetfulness, love is hidden service,
love is grit,
love is no qualifications, love is banishing the question "what's in it for me?" from your whole existence.
I made plans for every letter of the alphabet (English and Greek) to jump this ridiculously intimate, vulnerable, and relentless ship.
But He is too alluring. Love is too enticing.
Love is hard. Love is bigger than us. But it's what we cannot do without.
The best part is, unlike this marathon training, I don't have any scars from the Lord's training me up in love.
I have stitches covering past wounds. I have teary eyes from joy. I have Jesus' whisper as I fall asleep. I have prayers on my lips when I wake.
I have joy because Jesus taught me love by emptying me of me and coming to dwell in every corner He's made new.
I'll ask again, what's the treacherous path He's beckoned you to begin?
Beginning to quit silencing a dream?
Recovering from a deep trauma?
Escaping from a fear?
Letting Him love you?
Running a marathon?
And aren't you curious about Jesus?
Please begin, my friend. And don't stop. Let Him stun you speechless when you see His face, feel His laugh, and realize He won't only catch you when you collapse at the finish, but that He was running with you the whole time.