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I Am Not My Own and Neither are My Thoughts

Being an R.A. thus far can be summarized in just a few words:

learning how not to offend anyone.

It's exhausting.

Daily I'm on my knees asking the Lord for strength.

"God, I believe in Truth in a place that only leaves space for frail opinions and relativity.


The Christian life demands that we love, and sometimes love looks offensive to people who might not understand how disagreeing and begging for their change of heart could be loving.

"You do you."

The door to her heart is shut and the sound brings grief to my own soul.

This year, I feel even more immersed in Relativism.

It's like wading through seaweed and crying the whole way.

I can't handle all the celebration of "differences" that goes on when some of it is just sin.

No, I won't take your free condoms to pass out to my residents. I will not help them participate in safe SIN.

No, I will not stay quiet when you call marriage a social construct. How dare you label the very expression of God's Gospel a human invention.

No, I will not stand by when you call Kim Davis deplorable, crazy, and insane and except me never to use that kind of language of people who think differently than me.

(Read the story of Kim Davis if you haven't already. Religious freedom is gone.)

Yet, I think that there are more choices that are relative to personal experience than many Christians might be comfortable with.

I want to be clear here: I am all for people discovering who God made them to be even if they don't attribute their beauty and gifts to God. Our differences are beautiful and there is space for "you do you" there.

You can discover if you love the outdoors, fashion, children, baking, tattoos, piercings, school, coffee...

You can find the talents God has embedded in you and decide where you can best use those in life.

"You do you" is appropriate for the personality realm.

But not in the moral realm.

As a lover and follower of Jesus I am not called to create my own identity.

I am called to agree with the identity Christ has already given to me.

I am not called to decide truth.

I am called to agree with Truth.

I am not called to decide wrong and right.

I am called to agree with what God has already declared sin and righteousness.

2 Corinthians 10:5, "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."

How can I tell the Relativists that I haven't really made my own way but I have been following someone else my whole life?

How can I explain that I have never pretended to own my life but instead I make it a point to give it away to God and to others?

How can I tell them that the pursuit of happiness isn't actually my goal but I still find myself joyous?

I look foolish.

I look scared to step into my own skin.

I look immature.

I look naive.

I look out of touch with the changing times and social constructs.

Yet, I remember that if I am attacked because of what I think and believe, it is Christ that is attacked becasue I believe only His Truth; nothing original or opinionated.

I Corithians 1:27, "But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong."

And suddenly they are the foolish ones. I find rest in knowing that God is strong enough to handle what they throw at His Truth and that I don't have to reinvent myself or my ideas constantly.

This is what it means that the Lord is my shield: such freedom is found in the confidence I have in knowing that what I believe is steadfast and I don't need to be reinventing myself or ideas constantly.

John 8:32, "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

This past Sunday my pastor said,

"The most constricting thing I can do to myself is to declare myself the final authority. I limit myself to my finiteness instead of giving up myself to God's infinite power and control."

I Corinthians 6:19-20, "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price.Therefore honor God with your bodies."

If I am beloved and owned, how foolish am I to choose another way?

Lord, my heart aches for the captives of sin and shifting sands of Relativism.

I am faint and I need your Truth to shield me.

Fill me with Your Spirit to speak the words of true love knowing a scowl or a reprimand will come my way.

Fellow Christians, do not settle for finitude in making your own way when the infinite God is at hand.

Fellow Christians, do not fight with logic what is from the Devil. If Relativism is a demon, it must be cast out with prayer and fasting.

Fellow Christians, our God still reigns and is in no danger of being overthrown. Remember Him.


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