Our Need for Extravagance and Miracles
"Is not incivility the very essence of love?" - Melissa Larson's Pride and Prejudice play As I continue to learn about God and am...

Apologies to the Old Testament
My Bible reading plan sometimes has me read 5 or more chapters of the Old Testament in one sitting. Ugh. Jeremiah 32-37, Exodus...

I Am Not My Own and Neither are My Thoughts
Being an R.A. thus far can be summarized in just a few words: learning how not to offend anyone. It's exhausting. Daily I'm on my knees...

When Girl Meets What God Actually Calls Her To Do
It seems almost contradictory to me to write beautifully about a city that spoke sadness to my heart. But I suppose there’s a beauty in...

Why Wisdom Won't Make Me Fearless
It seems the stories that attach so firmly to our memories are the ones that are so absurd they have to be true. That one time you were...

Living in the Undertones: A Christian with Mental Illness
I’ve decided to tell my story without an invitation because no one knows how to ask about a depressed Christian’s story. That’s part of...

What's Been Underground for More than Three Days.
The church I had been to only once before felt surprisingly like home this particular Sunday. Maybe it was because I was with my awesome...

Now That I'm Brave...
When you look at a kid, or even a baby, I think it’s astonishing how much you can tell about what kind of person they will grow up to be....

Why Love Myself?
Love songs have always been my favorite. Especially when it's a story. After awhile, you can kinda sing along to any new love song...

Monotony to Vivacity
Ya know when you're studying for something and all you can think about is, "I really wish someone would distract me from this right...