When Girl Meets Restlessness and Finitude
As I look at two more weeks to be in Ocean City, one phrase comes to my mind: “Hurry up.” I’m pretty ready to be home and I don’t think...

Living in the Undertones: A Christian with Mental Illness
I’ve decided to tell my story without an invitation because no one knows how to ask about a depressed Christian’s story. That’s part of...

Reverence is Screaming
Driving around in my parent’s Volvo with heated seats and working windshield wipers to keep the rain off, I was almost in tears as a...

What's Been Underground for More than Three Days.
The church I had been to only once before felt surprisingly like home this particular Sunday. Maybe it was because I was with my awesome...

"Are We Loving God More?" The Wrong Question for Christian Dating Couples
Having grown up in the Christian circle of Cincinnati--complete with I Kissed Dating Goodbye advocates, "go on a couple dates for fun"...

What They Never Taught Us About Job
If you know anything about Job, it's probably this: "Job is the Christian's model for how to endure suffering." Job 1:22, "In all this,...

Why Love Myself?
Love songs have always been my favorite. Especially when it's a story. After awhile, you can kinda sing along to any new love song...

When God Isn't Enough
I've written, re-written, and thrown up my hands in angst over this post for 3 months. Some previous openings: "It was the fifth time...

Forgiveness Needs a Pain to Conquer
I used to keep a journal in junior high of all the bad things that happened to me. Writing in this journal and rereading its stories made...