Why Wisdom Won't Make Me Fearless
It seems the stories that attach so firmly to our memories are the ones that are so absurd they have to be true. That one time you were...

The Invitation of the Artist: Remembering What Beauty Our Messes Bring
I didn’t like how rifling through my backpack for my journal disturbed the place. But, the place didn’t seem to mind. Maybe it enjoyed...

What's Been Underground for More than Three Days.
The church I had been to only once before felt surprisingly like home this particular Sunday. Maybe it was because I was with my awesome...

Now That I'm Brave...
When you look at a kid, or even a baby, I think it’s astonishing how much you can tell about what kind of person they will grow up to be....

Why Hope Has Never Made Sense To Me
For years, one of my favorite Bible verses has been Romans 15:13, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in...

When We're the Comforter
It grieves me to say, but, as a Christian, I can be pretty assuming about someone else's hurt. I think they hurt because they were...

When God Isn't Enough
I've written, re-written, and thrown up my hands in angst over this post for 3 months. Some previous openings: "It was the fifth time...

Remaining in the Court of the Prison
As I was reading Phylicia Delta blog last night, I wondered if she had indeed penned the words or if I had. "I am focusing my energy on...

Forgiveness Needs a Pain to Conquer
I used to keep a journal in junior high of all the bad things that happened to me. Writing in this journal and rereading its stories made...

The Sanctification Syllabus
Here at college, I'm involved with a wonderful Bible study. The girls are lovely, funny, and curious. The leaders are wise and...