The Purity of Loneliness
The majority of my last year and a half has been spent realizing that people don't care about people as much as they should. "Welcome to...

When Girl Meets What She's Not
A special bond occurs amongst a team trying to hang Christmas lights from one side of the room to the other. Especially when the one side...

When Girl Meets High Exposure
The stage has always been comfortable for me. It doesn’t take much to stand in the heat of the lights, smile, and act as if you were...

When Girl Meets the Gun Shot
Week one in Ocean City, New Jersey. It hasn’t quite occurred to me yet that I actually am living and fulfilling a lifelong dream: living...

The Invitation of the Artist: Remembering What Beauty Our Messes Bring
I didn’t like how rifling through my backpack for my journal disturbed the place. But, the place didn’t seem to mind. Maybe it enjoyed...

What's Been Underground for More than Three Days.
The church I had been to only once before felt surprisingly like home this particular Sunday. Maybe it was because I was with my awesome...

Forgiveness Needs a Pain to Conquer
I used to keep a journal in junior high of all the bad things that happened to me. Writing in this journal and rereading its stories made...

The Sanctification Syllabus
Here at college, I'm involved with a wonderful Bible study. The girls are lovely, funny, and curious. The leaders are wise and...

Unexpected Deliverance
We do not serve a disappointing King. In my life, every tragedy wields the power to threaten how big I believe God to be. I'm inevitably...

I'm Not Trying to Love God Anymore
I'm discouraged today. I read a blog post by John Piper about loving God above all else. I'm discouraged because it seems like no matter...