When God Isn't Enough
I've written, re-written, and thrown up my hands in angst over this post for 3 months. Some previous openings: "It was the fifth time...

Remaining in the Court of the Prison
As I was reading Phylicia Delta blog last night, I wondered if she had indeed penned the words or if I had. "I am focusing my energy on...

Forgiveness Needs a Pain to Conquer
I used to keep a journal in junior high of all the bad things that happened to me. Writing in this journal and rereading its stories made...

Hold My Hand
When we hear the acronym P.D.A. (Public Display of Affection) we immediately think of one specific way to express affection to someone:...

I'm Not Trying to Love God Anymore
I'm discouraged today. I read a blog post by John Piper about loving God above all else. I'm discouraged because it seems like no matter...

Why God Shouldn't Be Your Top Priority
3am rolled around and found a dear friend and I painting, drinking tea, talking, and trying to ignore the time. Out of the blue my friend...