When Girl Meets Definition
I’m back in Ohio and feel like I stick out like a sore thumb. The Lord and how best to advance His glory fill my mind more than anything...

When Girl Meets Restlessness and Finitude
As I look at two more weeks to be in Ocean City, one phrase comes to my mind: “Hurry up.” I’m pretty ready to be home and I don’t think...

When Girl Meets What God Actually Calls Her To Do
It seems almost contradictory to me to write beautifully about a city that spoke sadness to my heart. But I suppose there’s a beauty in...

When Girl Meets the Sunrise, Sports Vomit, and the Darkest Pride
There’s something exquisite about giving it your all in a sport you’ve never played before and proceeding to vomit. To tell the truth,...

When Girl Meets Throwbacks, Hauntings, and the Epic
This past week my dear boy catered to and celebrated my inner child (which more often than not is on the surface of my personality rather...

When Girl Meets High Exposure
The stage has always been comfortable for me. It doesn’t take much to stand in the heat of the lights, smile, and act as if you were...