As I Chase Dreams...Lessons from the Marathon
I recorded myself talking while I was on a longer training run the other day. I just had a lot to say to no one in particular....

Breaking Bondage: What Happened Because We Prayed for 5 Days Straight...Literally.
For my part, it started two years ago. The change in my soul where I agreed to let my circumstances define God's character and the...

Listening to the Silence: 3 Ways to Restructure Your Prayer Life
John 7:38, "Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them." Revelation 7:17, "For the...

What the Spirit Feels Like and How to Believe He is Actually a Thing
The more I learn about the Holy Spirit and how believers react to/feel about Him, the more I'm convinced that the first barrier to His...

God's Favorite and Clearest Comfort
I find myself these days debating the existence of chance and the existence of sovereignty. (#2oyearoldthoughts??) Usually, I hear this...

Shutting Up Shame: What it Feels like to Put Demons in Their Place
A true story. ___________ ___________ As I sat on the floor of the church she came to me and asked if everyone there could pray for me....

Shutting Up Shame: Embracing Interruption and Burning Down Closed Doors
I'm 20. I have no idea. I have a tendency to play with fire and a natural bravery to dare. Three ingredients that can end up really bad...

Shutting Up Shame: My Intimacy with Self-Degredation
I don't know what it's like to look in the mirror and wish for something different. I don't know what it's like to feel unnecessary in...

Shutting Up Shame: When You Pray for Healing and It Actually Happens
I had a thought today, and I don't know if it really matters, but I'll share it. So much "Christian-writing" I've read is either from the...

Shutting Up Shame: Because I've had Three Boyfriends
Poetry is a budding love of mine and I thought the best medium for this area of shame for me. Ya I know, three isn't that much (compared...